Friday, September 9, 2016

Canadian Civil Engineering Researchers Disprove Official Explanation of WTC 7’s Destruction

Click here to access article by Mike Bondi, P. Eng., from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Building 7 of the World Center Complex (WTC) had always been the easiest to attack regarding the many official fantastic explanations for the collapse of the three buildings during 9/11. Here, among so many, is one more piece of research that disputes the government's fantastic and unbelievable tale. 
Dr. Robert Korol, professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and a fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, has led a team of academic researchers in preparing two peer-reviewed scientific papers on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. Both papers were published in the Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics — the first one in July 2015, the second in February 2016.