Friday, September 9, 2016

A Desert Oasis – A Synonym For Mirage

Click here to access article by Forrest Palmer with Cory Morningstar from Wrong Kind of Green.  

Don't miss the latest fantasy development by our rich allies among the desert kingdoms who like to behead people, sponsor terrorist armies, and participate in other horrific events like 9/11.
...this dance with fantasy is beyond delusional as this incessant growth continues presently, there is an acknowledgement by the leaders in the UAE that the ongoing building of this dream world is in danger by their acknowledgement that an absolute storm is brewing in the form of catastrophic climate change.  F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function”, but this missive doesn’t hold true when it comes to conflicting ideas that are manifested in the tangible aspect of everyday life which can’t exist under illogical circumstances.