Thursday, September 29, 2016

Earth 'Locked Into' Hitting Temperatures Not Seen in 2 Million Years: Study

Click here to access article by Nika Knight from Common Dreams.

In a new research study by Carolyn Snyder related to her doctoral thesis at Stanford University was published in Nature (behind a paywall). She is now employed at the government's favorite protector of corporations doing environmental damage and suitably represented by an Orwellian name--Environment Protection Agency. It seem likely that her career at this agency will be problematic.
Nature described Snyder's findings in greater detail in an article accompanying her published study: "Even if the amount of atmospheric CO2 were to stabilize at current levels, the study suggests that average temperatures may increase by roughly 5° C over the next few millennia as a result of the effects of the greenhouse gas on glaciers, ecosystems and other factors. A doubling of the pre-industrial levels of atmospheric CO2 of roughly 280 parts per million, which could occur within decades unless people curb greenhouse-gas emissions, could eventually boost global average temperatures by around 9° C."
It appears that already her findings have been labeled "controversial" by various well-placed scientists.