Thursday, September 29, 2016

Syrian and Latin American refugees, “worthy” and “unworthy” victims

Click here to access article by "Soapy" from

By comparing mostly refugees from Central America with Syrian refugees, the author explains why refugees are regarded very differently by our masters in the capitalist ruling class depending on their value to them. In this case it is propaganda value that they are after. This is only another illustration among so many that policies under advanced capitalist rule are guided strictly by the value--whether economic, political, propaganda, etc--that can be derived from them to enhance their profits and power throughout the world. The author expresses this principle slightly differently by citing an observation made by Noam Chomsky who viewed the same phenomenon in terms of worthiness:
This is a perfect example of what Noam Chomsky calls “worthy” and “unworthy victims”. The “worthy” victims are the ones mistreated by groups the US is opposed to and therefore receive our support. The “unworthy” victims are the victims of our crimes, and they are treated as nothing more than a nuisance.