Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The New U.S. Way Of War

Click here to access article by Bernhard from his blog Moon of Alabama.

Bernhard is a master at dissecting news from major and more obscure, but accurate media sources to find what is really going on especially in the Middle East where US Empire forces are so active. In this piece he takes some information from a NY Times article to construct a fairly new model that the Empire uses (for example in Somalia), and has used, to destabilize countries and spread chaos.
Somalia is an example of the "failed states" the U.S. now creates wherever it goes. A "failed state" then justifies further involvement. The "model" applies around the world:
The Somalia campaign is a blueprint for warfare that President Obama has embraced and will pass along to his successor. It is a model the United States now employs across the Middle East and North Africa — from Syria to Libya — despite the president’s stated aversion to American “boots on the ground” in the world’s war zones. This year alone, the United States has carried out airstrikes in seven countries and conducted Special Operations missions in many more. [from the NY Times]
Such wars are mostly "off the book". Congressional oversight does not happen for them as the impact within the U.S. is too small. The media are practically excluded. The money comes out of secret CIA and special forces accounts or is shaken out of some friendly U.S. client state like Saudi Arabia. No one will find out what methods of force or "interrogation" are used and as those prisoners vanish in some local warlord's dungeon, no one is likely to ever find out....