Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Truth About Donald Trump [The YouTube post has been removed--I don't know by whom.]

Click here if you wish to access this portion of an audio interview with David Icke directly via YouTube. (Note: this appears to be a radio interview or podcast conducted by some American radio station or website. This morning I have spent far too much time trying, and failing, to locate the source.) (Note 2: edited at 3:45 Pm Seattle time following a comment by one of my astute readers.)

In the following interview with Icke he offers so many accurate insights about current major events--far beyond merely his views about Trump. He is also trying to use many other means of expressing his views mostly by directly talking to audiences across Britain, Canada, Europe, and the United States.

All that I know accurately about David Icke is that he has had an extensive career as a sports broadcaster and commentator in Britain. If you consult Wikipedia regarding him, you will find a major smear piece referring frequently to him as a "conspiracy theorist". While I have often used Wikipedia as an accurate source reference, I know that anyone can enter a piece on this website and have it posted by meeting certain standards of the managers of the website. This involves mostly the furnishing of documentation for the contents. Clearly whoever posted this entry had major motivations to undermine the views of Icke. Look at the length of it! You would think that Icke was a major world figure. But the truthful views expressed by Icke are a major threat to the Empire's fake version of reality as expressed in their corporations' media.

I urge you to listen to the entire 54:41m interview and decide for yourself, as an independent, informed, and critical thinker, if he knows what he is talking about. I think you will agree that the deep state that governs the Empire desperately need to prevent his views from being heard or taken seriously in order to superimpose their ongoing narrative about the major realities of today's world.

On the other hand, this could be a brilliant piece of "psyop" propaganda--see the two comments that follow this post.