Friday, October 20, 2017

Re-Visiting Russian Counter-Propaganda Methods

Click here to access article by "The Saker" from The Unz Review

The author, who is a Russian ex-patriot living in Florida, knows whereof he speaks when he examines US and Russian propaganda over the past 60 years. This article is an updated version of one he wrote in 2016 which I barely scanned today. I think he makes the same points as in the earlier article, but elaborates by describing various Western anti-Russian "experts" who  Russian TV programs host on their programs. These are usually former Russians who while in the West spout some of the worst and ridiculous anti-Russian propaganda. He explains how this arrangement is far more effective than the censorship practiced by the Soviets.

However I wonder if the reason that this arrangement works so effectively is because the US anti-Russian propaganda has sunk so much deeper in the mud of ridiculousness than was the case in the Cold War simply because they can. As I've stated several times before, I can't recall a time when US propaganda has been so downright silly than it is nowadays. I find myself grasping for explanations for this and all I can find is that US propaganda agents have been so successful in the past 50 years in covering up the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy, M. L. King, Malcom X and all the other crimes that they lied about (the US support of the Contras--funded by criminal activities such as drug trafficking and selling weapons to Iran-- who terrorized Nicaraguans to vote out the popular Sandinista government, the invasions of Granada and Panama, the 9/11 false-flag project, the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other false-flag terrorist incidents. Apparently the directors of US propaganda programs have so easily accomplished the above that they feel safe in promoting the most ridiculous narratives justifying their continuing crimes throughout the world. I find it difficult to understand why my fellow Americans continue to believe such rubbish!