Friday, October 20, 2017

Reporting from Korea during the 2013 ‘crisis’: 5 key facts the West ignores

Click here to access article by Ramin Mazaheri posted on A bird's eye view of the Vineyard

Mazaheri gives us the other side of the ongoing dispute with the North Korean leadership which unfortunately is missing in the reporting by the Empire's media corporations. There is always two sides to every dispute, but our ruling masters consistently give us only one side--their side. The other is very difficult to find because our masters don't want us to know it. (They claim it's for our own good: so that we are not exposed to "fake news".) The other side as reported by the author is very revealing!
Back in 2013 I did 17 reports in 19 days, so it was a crash course in on-the-ground reporting in South Korea. Thanks to an excellent production team already in place, I interviewed top analysts, university professors, political activists and dozens of people on the street.

And almost every single report has been wiped clean from the internet. This process started this year, and it has affected top leftist sites like the World Socialist Web Site, The Greanville Post and many others. I have been able to provide a few web links, after much surfing.

But I wrote this article to provide 5 key things to know when discussing North Korea, but which you have probably never heard.