Saturday, February 16, 2019

How Come the World is Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome

Click here to access article by Andre Vltchek from New Eastern Outlook.

His argument that most of the world's suffering, exploited, oppressed, poverty-stricken people love the images of the West is a very sad insight on humans. It seems that there is nothing like "success" and "winning" that attracts the admiration of others even when this success comes about using the cruelest and the most criminal of means. Of course, the "Stockholm syndrome" doesn't infect everyone, but it is little consolation to discover that it infects many, if not most, people. Perhaps this is another reason not to grieve over the coming extinction of humans.
It may sound incredible, but it is true: in countries that have been damaged, even totally robbed and destroyed by the West, many people are still enamored with Europe and North America.

For years, I have been observing this ‘phenomena’, even in the most plundered, devastated war zones and slums. Often I was shocked, other times thoroughly desperate. I did not know how to respond, how to react, how to describe what I have been observing.