Friday, February 15, 2019

Melting polar ice sheets will alter weather

Click here to access article by Tim Radford from Climate News Network

The system of capitalism requires, among other things, fossil fuels both to provide wealth for capitalists and the overwhelming power it gives them to control most of the world. Unless we can rid ourselves of this cancer before the destabilization of our climate and the destruction of human habitat sets in, we will be among those species who have disappeared from the Earth. Many scientists and others (including myself) believe that it is already too late. Nevertheless where any doubt exists, we must continue on with the struggle to rid ourselves of a system that is incompatible with a stable biosphere that can sustain humans and other related species.

In this article Radford reports on the increasing use of fossil fuels and the effects of increasing temperatures:
The latest revision of evidence from the melting ice sheets in two hemispheres – and there is plenty of evidence that melting is happening at ever greater rates – is based on two studies of what could happen to the world’s greatest reservoirs of frozen freshwater if nations pursue current policies, fossil fuel combustion continues to increase, and global average temperatures creep up to unprecedented levels.