Tuesday, February 5, 2019

ISIS could not return after US withdrawal from Syria and Iraq [updated]

Click here to access article by Kuwaiti independent journalist Elijah J. Magnier from his blog.

Magnier provides more evidence--as if you needed more--that the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire has been a key player behind the terrorist army in order to create regime change in Syria. The war criminals that lurk in the evil depths (the Deep State) and are in control of all major actions of the evil Empire have once again demonstrated that they will use any means to destroy their opponents and support the interests of the capitalist ruling class within the Empire. 

Meanwhile their media corporations, Hollywood films, and professional analysts will insure that most Americans ("the good Germans" of the 3rd Reich) know very little about their lies and monstrous acts. The author provides an excellent summary of the real story in Syria.

Update at 10:30 AM CT: A German blogger reports that the US is not leaving in an article entitled "Syria Sitrep - Trump Says U.S. Will Leave But Pentagon Keeps Adding Forces"