Friday, April 19, 2019

Assessing the Green New Dea

Click here to access article by Eléana Ní Mhurchú from Rebel (Ireland). Added some minor editing to my commentary at 1 AM CT on Saturday, April 21 to add clarity.)

Even this "socialist" website devotes only one line to the realistic fact that only a revolutionary change from a capitalist economy to an economy directed by the people can produce real policies to prevent catastrophic climate destabilization. And, this is only stated in vague, abstract terms by including it in the last paragraph:
Combating climate change, however, ultimately requires expropriating resources from the rich in order to mitigate the worst effects of an increasingly hostile climate.
At this political stage, the Green New Deal is only in a "simple resolution" phase before Congress. That is a notion of intent much like an individual's New Year's resolution to lose weight in the coming year. There are so many legislative tricks to dodge a real implementation of any substantive change in the operations of the economy. The latter is under the control of private individuals realistically identified as a capitalist class, and they won't tolerate their government to meddle in what they regard as their affairs. 

The capitalist class is a (tiny) ruling class that shapes all institutions of society to serve their interests. If you think they are going to allow their funded representatives to pass laws to expropriate their private ownership of the economy, I think you should commit yourself to the nearest mental institution. Besides at this stage of consciousness, the people have been so dumbed-down that they don't even know that capitalism is responsible for the climate crisis. They have been taught 24/7 from birth that the economic system is "free markets" rather than capitalism. Hence, they can't even express in words what the economic system actually is. Their minds have been so manipulated for so long that they have very little comprehension of political and economic realities.

Some revolutionary people are supporting the "Green New Deal" because they have fantasies that eventually people will recover their mental capacities sufficiently that they will get behind an effort to take away the private ownership of the economy and restore this vital societal sphere to societal control. As a life-long socialist I can hardly blame them. To do nothing is to accept defeat. So, I guess we must accept reality for what it is and "grasp at any straws" (def.) that present themselves.