Thursday, April 18, 2019

Julian Assange’s extraordinary record of investigative journalism

Click here to access article by Oscar Grenfell from World Socialist Web Site.
The illegal arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange inside Ecuador’s London embassy, and the attempt by the US to extradite him on concocted conspiracy charges, are a frontal assault on freedom of the press.

The Trump administration, with the support of the Democrats, and US allies including Britain and Australia, is seeking to establish a precedent that criminalises genuine investigative journalism, including the publication of classified material exposing government illegality.

This is nothing less than an attempt to abolish the function of a genuine free press, established over centuries of struggle against despotism.
Then Grenfell launches into a description of what Julian Assange and Wikileaks has accurately revealed about war crimes committed by the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire which makes it quite a lengthy article. Of course, the directors of this Empire do not want their crimes revealed to the general public. So, if you like such crimes committed in secret by powerful people, you also want Assange punished. They want you to be only "informed" by their media corporations which they control.