Sunday, April 19, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, April 19, 2020

  • Can COVID-19 Truth and 9/11 Truth Change the World? (with Matthew Ehret) featuring Kevin Barrett interviewing Canadian Matthew Ehret, a critical analyst, who frequently writes for Strategic Culture Foundation. This is an opportunity for people who respect Ehret's views and analysis to listen to him in this one hour interview. Dr. Barrett taught at the University of Wisconsin until he was blacklisted in 2006 by the ruling class who disapproved of his views and analysis. The interview was posted on False Flag Weekly News, one of Barrett's weblogs.
  • The Fatal Road To 4 Degrees Celsius by Andrew Glikson from Arctic News. (Note: This is a comprehensive scientific report that supports my view that we humans and a vast majority of other species are inevitably heading for extinction within the next several decades.)