Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

  • Covid-19: Likely financial conflagrations to come (part 3 of a series, the first two can be accessed in the article) by Eric Toussaint from CADTM. (Note: This is a comprehensive series on the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire's central banks and the role they are playing to keep the Empire afloat.) He concludes this article with the statement "It is of fundamental importance that a strategy be put into practice that makes a radical and complete break with the capitalist system and its deadly logic".
  • The mother of all monologues | Biden will NOT be able to stand | EP 44 featuring a monolog by George Galloway (via YouTube), a former member of the British parliament.  (Note: I thank an activist for sending me this post.)

    My commentary: I entirely agree with his implied question at the end: what to do when the working class wakes up to the knowledge that the ruling classes have been doing virtually nothing to preserve and protect them?

    I fear for the future, not for myself, but mainly for the workers of both countries--they have a very rough road ahead of them. I can't imagine how the US elections in November will turn out.

    However, I hesitate to agree with Galloway's implication (if I understand him) that it was a naturally occurring mutation that produced this virus and only accidentally exposed to the general population. I'll await further evidence to decide. Prof. Francis Boyle offered convincing evidence that Covid-19 was produced in the USA, but I differ from his view that it was accidentally released in China. I think it was likely deliberately released in China as a desperate attempt by the Deep State (whether the US or the Empire's) to act as a cover to again bail-out major banks and corporations; to damage much of China's economy as well as a number of other national economies such as Russia, Iran, and Venezuela while maintaining sanctions on them, and increasing them on the latter two; to get rid of a number of senior citizens that was a growing burden on the Social Security Administration; and to reduce populations as a necessity to prevent the growing threat to capitalism that greenhouse gases posed.

    If this was the strategy, it likely backfired. Now some workers are calling for a general strike on May Day. Meanwhile, the ruling class's sheepherder, Bernie Sanders, who campaigned for "Medicare For All", dropped out of the election just in time to prevent any damage to the election of Joe Biden, the ruling class's choice. The latter's government could only manage a $1200 to bail-out to some workers. This class is experiencing a growing sense of desperation, and they're doing everything they can to keep their Empire's currency afloat. Alastair Crooke is seeing the US dollar collapsing under the weight of debts. Graham Peebles sees an economic tsunami coming: "Everywhere in the world the cushioned and comfortable are more or less, insulated, both from inconvenience and to a degree from the coming economic [and political] tsunami." (My insertion.)