Friday, May 29, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, May 29, 2020 (part 1 of 2)

My reaction: Great! But why not media corporations and their fake news and manipulation of the minds of the public? "Who'd a thought" (def.) that a Republican administration would do this? This shows that sometimes we, the people, can benefit from the internecine battles of the capitalist ruling class. (updated commentary at 10:16 AM CT.)
My commentary: I love it when Zuesse uses his academic training as an historian to dig up evidence form obscure sources that serves to validate my thesis that US right-wing capitalists had already decided to build an empire at the conclusion of WWII. But my thesis was that they had decided before that, yes, before the war--read the  evidence in my commentary here. 
Furthermore, he goes on to argue with evidence that imperialist USA never stopped developing biological weapons after the war in order to suppress any nation that impeded their progress to establish an capitalist American Empire in order to destroy the Bolshevik threat and rule the world much like the Nazis attempted to do. Evidence was also comprehensively furnished by Dave Chaddock, in his book This Must Be the Place, that the US used bio-weapons in the Korean War.
I am confident that in the future there will be evidence that will slowly leak out which will serve to prove that the US was responsible for this latest pandemic. Zuesse apparently thinks so too. But, of course, our masters will try and largely succeed to suppress this evidence from the American people.