Friday, May 29, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, May 29, 2020 (part 2 of 2)

My commentary: This is an excellent illustration of a social democratic take on the latest capitalist crisis. Prins harkens, along with Engelhardt, us back to the Great Depression which they see as similar to the current crisis. Unfortunately for capitalism-loving social democrats, this time is different. I see the current crisis as brought about by the predictable reckless behavior of a ruling class that aspired to do too much: build a dominant capitalist empire while pursuing the accumulation and consolidation of all the wealth on the planet. 
I believe, even without further evidence, that this capitalist class engineered the current pandemic primarily as cover for bailing out their banks while providing a number of other benefiits such as increasing fuel for their piromaniacal attacks on China and to rid themselves of "useless eaters" of elderly retired folks and surplus workers. I believe this because I have witnessed their astonishing criminal record of the assassination of the Kennedys, the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and domestic others as well as all the foreign adventures to subvert or attack others who stood in their way of building a capitalist world empire. I believe that these criminals have been responsible for many false-flag attacks both domestic and foreign with 9/11 being their most brilliant achievement.
But this time it is different. This pandemic is a desperate gamble for them to hold onto power, and to me the outcomes look to be very different than the Great Depression. You see, I was born in the middle of the Great Depression, and I know first-hand what it was like for my parents.
Biowarfare has been seen as an unpredictable weapon, and for this reason it has been banned by most capitalist ruling classes. But to our ambitious masters who, like good fascists, saw that with sufficient research and development they could engineer it as a controlled type of weapon that could be useful in particular circumstances. The current situation with defeats abroad and economic crises domestically, in desperation, they gamblled that this was such a situation. The results are yet to be determined.
(Note: I've run out of time and energy for today.)