Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A "globalist" is another word for members of the Deep State who make nearly all of the decisions of their US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. It is convenient to regard a globalist as a member of the Empire's board of directors who the author realistically describes. But he errs a bit when he writes "You made basically the same mistake twice, in fact! Letting a technology get away from you." And then he described TV of the 1960s as obstructing their agenda in Vietnam. But I argue that they had not yet perfected their control of the media. Now they have.
Have you noticed that main the ruling capitalist class ("globalist") control of the media has distorted coverage of news into self-serving ("globalist") propaganda? Here I'm referring to mainstream news that they control, that is, the primary sources they control: NY Times, Washington Post, TV networks such as NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and PBS which most American watch obsessively believing that they follow the "news".
I first noticed an unsual phenomenon when these TV networks extensively covered the toppling of Mubarik in Egypt in 2011. I also learned in an obscure website that Frank G. Wisner, Jr. was dispatched to Egypt. Since then I learned that the Empire controlled the Muslim Brotherhood, and they were behind it. So, I began to think that maybe the "news" coverage provided to Americans was shaped by some subversive organization to cover "news" that they wanted in order to advance Empire interests to the exclusion of events that they didn't want Americans to know, and otherwise shape the "news" to reflect the interests of the transnational ruling class. 
Back in the 1960s and '70s there was a number of reports that the CIA, a secret organ of the ruling class ("globalists"), was behind the efforts to control media corporations. Of course, the CIA denied this interpretation and said that all such accusations were just "conspiracy theories". 
In 2015 I first became aware of Tegna corporation (see this and this) which now owns 66 television stations in 54 markets (including NBC and affiliates), was located at Mclean, Va where a branch office of the CIA was located (a few miles from Langley). (Now I discover they've moved a few miles down to Tyson, VA.)
Recently, however, I've had time to watch more TV network coverage of events. Of course, I knew that the "liberal" news corporations (NY Times, Washington Post, TV networks such as NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS) were lined up against Donald Trump, and their coverage reflected this bias, while Fox News supported Trump (I'm not arguing that Fox News is any better). But I also noticed, switching from one channel to another, that the evening news programs from NBC, ABC, and CBS seemed to cover the same topics, although not in the same order, with a feel-good segment at the end of their broadcasts. I've since noticed this consistently. This mysterious phenomenon was not true of local stations, but they generally follow the themes and style of major media.
Most Americans watch news programs obsessively to learn about what is happening in the world. But watching what they are permitted to watch, and readily available, is a disaster for any desirable outcome for ordinary Americans. I've since concluded that what the Empire's media corporations report in their "news" programs is an indication of what the "globalists" want their audience to believe in order to promote their interests of profit and power. This applies to their extensive coverage of the nationwide protests prompted by the murder of George Floyd and other victims, but this as yet to be fully determined as how the extensive coverage benefits ruling class interests.
  • Know Your Enemy: The Dangerous Futility of Pseudo-Philanthropic Neoliberalism (The fourth in a seven-part, multi-week series of commentary on the COVID-19 crisis) by Prof. Radhika Desai from Defend Democracy Press. (Note: Desai attempts in the article to trace the history of capitalism down till today which he describes as an unsustainable "pseudo-philanthropic neoliberalism" most exemplified by Bill Gates. It makes much sense to me, but you decide for yourself.)
I've run out of time and energy.