Thursday, July 2, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, July 2, 2020

  • Global Economic Lockdown - with Peter Koenig and Ellen Brown from the Guns & Butter website. (Note: Bonnie Faulkner interviews two of the greatest contemporary minds on the current economic crisis created by the current pandemic. I wasn't impressed by Brown's articles until she demonstrated some deeper insights with the recent article entitled "Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid". I have never doubted Koenig's understanding of recent world events. I've only had time to listen to 30 minutes of the nearly one hour program but will listen to the remainder after I've finished blogging. Very important!)  
  • Russia Bounty-Hunter Story Another Pulp Fiction Release by Finian Cunningham from Strategic Culture Foundation. (My reaction: Just when you think the lies spread by mainstream media corporations could not get any worse, they do. They must be desperate. For another devastating attack on this fake news, see this.)