Friday, July 24, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, July 24, 2020

  • Video: Germany’s COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry. This was posted on Global Research, a Canadian website. Note: I've spent an extraordinary time researching this article and the German website ACU which, translated into English, means Extra-Parliamentary Corona Committee of Inquiry. I recommend reading the English transcript which I accessed by the previous link. Dr. Heiko Schöning appears to be an ordinary German physician, I don't know about Dr. Bodo Schiffmann except that he appears to be an ordinary German physician. The last speaker is Prof. Haditsch who is, according to his testimony, a well-qualified specialist:
My personal motivation for participating in this is basically that I am a specialist in microbiology, virology, and infection epidemiology, and that, from a professional point of view, I am deeply appalled by the completely unobjective, unprofessional approach in this matter.
  • Judy Mikovits & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. posted on The Press and the Public Project and the video was produced by Vimeo (this is only part 1 of 3). (Note: The video starts at about 35 seconds. Also, I direct you to the research about masks that is included at the bottom of the page.)