Saturday, July 25, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ford demonstrates his much improved analytical skills with this essay. He, for the first time that I can recall, distinguishes the difference between old-fashioned fascism and the new slicked-up brand of what I prefer to name neo-fascism. The latter has relied on mostly mind control techniques made possible by the advancements of what the ruling class prefers to call "public relations". This they do by controlling the thoughts and information of the "hoi polloi" who they regard as "dumb fucks" and "deplorables". With the indispensable aid of the highly trained upper-middle-class, the ruling class has made their fortunes and power by their co-optation of this class by rewarding them with lucrative careers and insuring their well-being.
As long as the ruling class oppressed other people of the world through endless direct and indirect military operations and directing their police to ruthlessly crushed any opposition coming from black and brown Americans, "good" Americans went along. The ruling class using neofascist techniques: ubiquitous propaganda that we were protecting foreign people from "human rights" violations, that we are a "democracy", White Helmets, etc, the "good" ordinary Americans, distracted by endless entertainment, willingly went along. 
But now when America and its Empire appear to be suffering defeats one after another, the ruling class is frustrated and worried that they are losing control (read about an example of a power/control-freak). Hence they are engaging in a dangerous gamble with this hyped-up corona pandemic to punish ordinary Americans for voting the wrong way in 2016 (and other reasons) while enjoying the current spectacle of Trump's old-fashioned fascism that will likely wreck his chances for a second term. The neofascism of the main ruling class will seem like a blessing compared to Trumps old-fashioned fascism, but appearances are deceiving. Where this will end is anybody's guess, but it looks like there will be two likely scenarios: a global nuclear war or else a slow agonizing cooking of the occupants of our planet Earth. In any case, I think we are entering the final stages of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. One thing is certain: there are many dangerous years ahead with widespread suffering for ordinary people of the world, including many "good" (obedient) Americans.
  • New CDC and WHO Study Proves No Evidence Face Masks Prevent Virus featuring Ben Swann, journalist, who explains again why, in spite of the objections of Facebook "fact-checkers", proves that randomized control research studies prove that there is no evidence in support of wearing a face mask to prevent transmission of coronavirus. Posted on Swann's website Truth in Media.