Monday, July 27, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, July 27, 2020

  • Iran-Russia-China: a strategic alliance is born while the US loses ground and allies by Elijah J Magnier from his weblog. My reaction: this remainder of an article, the full text of which lies behind a well-deserved paywall, points to a real fact that, I think, lies behind the global project of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire: the current coronavirus pandemic. The transnational capitalist class that rules the Empire is deeply frustrated, and out of this frustration, desperately lashing out at not only the "deplorables" and the "dumb fucks" in the USA, but the whole world, or most of the world they control. Future events will reveal the validity or invalidity of this argument.
The author argues, which most social-democratic people are arguing on CounterPunch, that Trump represents a fascist position which people must disavow and by electing Joe Biden, the ruling class candidate. The established ruling class has cleverly provoked this response from Trump via their media, but it is only a ploy. 
This way they can have it both ways: blame Trump for fascist methods and pretend to be anti-fascist. Either way, they win the election. They prefer their methods of soft fascism by controlling the propaganda-laced information that the public receives, but they don't really reject hard fascism. Now some people are wondering if Trump will leave office even if he loses the election, but this is a phony and misleading argument that Democracy Now is noted for.
The main ruling class has command of the armed forces and "intelligence" agencies, and they can remove him anytime they want as they did with the assassination of John Kennedy--and he won the election. Kennedy deeply offended the ruling class by not joining them in their imperial adventures in Cuba and Vietnam. Trump does what the main ruling classes choose not to do, but approve anyway.