Monday, August 17, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, Aug. 17, 2020

This Canadian author and retired professor zeros in at the "reset" program that our billionaire masters have launched with the bailouts of major banks last fall and the current ongoing covid-19 pandemic. He illustrates, far better than I can, the arrogance of our masters in the capitalist ruling classes. They have launched this reset program filled with an excess of glowing promises, but what underlies this is a concern for their unsustainable system of capitalism and the dire prospect that their power and wealth will end with the impending global warming catastrophe. They entertain fantasies of high technologies that they will control to further control us ordinary humans as well as contribute to their wealth and power. Meanwhile, the professor catalogs their recent history starting with the elimination of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1999, 9/11 psy-ops, the wars on Muslims who are the enemies of Israel, the Israeli lobby influence, etc., and all the financial and political corruption that served to increase their wealth and power at the expense of ordinary humans. Why the latter evinces any trust in our overlords is a mystery to me.
          Don't overlook the excellent  22:04m video presentation by Spiro Skouras!
I've spent so much time on the "best posts" that I have run out of energy and time.