Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2020

  • Here's Why the "Impossible" Economic Collapse Is Unavoidable by Charles Hugh Smith from his weblog. (My reaction: His argument makes a lot of sense to me. I continue to see that this shutdown of parts of the economy by the ruling class as "desperate" venture because it carries extremely high risk to their rule. This together with their use of fake news, propaganda, and censorship practiced by their media corporations, I see as indicating deep frustration and desperation. Hopefully, they will not be desperate enough to opt for a nuclear war conflagration.)
  • What Will Not Recover: Government by Jeffrey A. Tucker from American Institute of Economic Research. (My reaction: Even doubts about this risky venture comes from the writers for the ruling class. Of course, the latter regard the government is some separate entity from the capitalist ruling class. Because the latter "own" all three branches of their government, they control it.) 
  • How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers – #PropagandaWatch featuring Canadian James Corbett from his website, The Corbett Report, addressing his views about the latest promotion of vaccines to deal with covid-19. (Note: Canada is an integral part of the transnational capitalist US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.)
Incidentally, I was a member of the Peace and Freedom Party in San Francisco in the 1980s.)
Again, I have run out of energy and time to cover all of my sources.