Monday, August 31, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, Aug. 31, 2020

Yes, it has all got to change, but what are the changes? However, this idea of necessary change represents progress for individuals of the human species. Hopefully, opinion makers--and that should be all of us--will finally recognize that we must change the economic system which has allowed another ruling class to destroy our planet's ecosystem on which we all depend. I'm convinced it is too late to save our species and so many others, but it is certainly worth the effort. And, another Kennedy wants "our democracy back", but this "democracy" is a fake version that capitalists have constructed to fool us. (We can't expect the Kennedy clan to have all the answers.) Now this fake democracy is apparently being questioned if Donald Monaco is representative of the young generation. Can we construct a real democracy before our time as a human species comes to an end? That is the question. Not because it will save us, but because it is right! And, the human species is perfectly capable of doing what is right, for a change.
Many people in major cities across the world are fed up with the hysteria over the covid-19 pandemic, which appears to be engineered by employed agents of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, and they are holding mass demonstrations to protest the severe policies that various nations have implemented. The author objects to some views about other issues that were included in these protest demonstrations: 
I think keeping a narrow focus on the issue is important at the moment and unfortunately some of the speakers raised points that were irrelevant or self-contradictory or just pure speculation. 
I heard declarations from Piers Corbyn and others that the virus wasn’t real or is virtually harmless juxtaposed with claims it’s actually caused by 5G and is part of a bid to kill us all. Well, which is it? Because it can’t be both.
Maybe the author misunderstood some speakers or the latter did not make their views clear. In any case, I think it is appropriate to bring other issues to the fore because the capitalist ruling classes have demonstrated throughout their several hundred years of history that they are perfectly capable of pushing products or technology that is harmful to our and/or the planet's health if they can make a profit off of them (and thus create more power with which to impose their self-rewarding policies on the world).