Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020

Previously I have tended to avoid arguments regarding the riots going on currently in major cities of the USA. They have been increasingly characterized by two opposing groups--antifascists and fascists. I have done this because of the following reasons: I didn't know enough about the participants and I didn't want to alienate participants on the antifascist side that were involved with sincere beliefs in their organizations. 
Much of today's neofascism is manipulated by well-trained agents of the ruling capitalist class who have infiltrated all activist groups in order to control and manipulate them. To be sure, there are a number of people who sincerely believe that they are fighting racism or fascism, but are being increasingly manipulated by these subversive agents. You see, the directors of the ruling class have learned that they can control all antagonistic movements in order to manipulate them for their own ends. This analysis applies to all activist groups: BLM, Antifa, and hardcore fascists.  
The directors of the ruling class have long honed the weapon of organized chaos into a strategy to dominate whole societies. They have done this for many decades notably in places like El Salvador, Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine. The ruling class likes to experiment abroad with strategies of oppression and control, and those deemed effective are applied in the home countries of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.  
This, I believe, is going on now to a significant extent. Such subversive agents have found in the past that if they can control these groups, they can create chaos in societies with the result that ordinary people look to Empire sponsored groups that promise order to get rid of the chaos. If successful, ordinary people will support those with the necessary force and phony promises to restore order: armed forces sponsored by the Empire attacking established police forces, or the police and military organizations that the Empire already controls. 
It is necessary to find antidotes to this chaos strategy, infiltration, and surveillance in order to build effective revolutionary organizations. I don't have a recipe for this, but I'm sure that activists can create their own given enough time--but time is in short supply. All I recommend is that any effective strategy must include real democratic principles and practices whether in activist organizations or in nations like Belarus. With the latter accomplished--and it is a major feat--an effective activist group must continue to devise methods to thwart surveillance. All of these tasks would have been much easier decades ago; but now, although much more difficult, it is imperative and in a short time. Perhaps the latest stunt, the covid-19 pandemic, promulgated by the ruling class has awaken activists sufficiently that they can accomplish these tasks in the time remaining for homo sapiens on planet Earth.