Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, November 10, 2020

  • How the Dictators in ‘Democracies’ Stay in Power by Eric Zuesse from Strategic Culture Foundation. (Note: In most countries of the world major capitalist countries that pretend to be democracies are recognized to be governed by the capitalist class who pursue their interests of profit and power. People of most countries outside of the USA (and maybe Britain) identify such nations as "bourgeois democracies" in contrast to socialist or, much more frequently, mixed economies of other nations.)
  • The Strange Demise of The American Herald Tribune by Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review. My reaction: Giraldi argues, in contrast to Zuesse, that the internet (web) is increasingly affected by the ruling class--which is, indeed, true. The capitalist ruling class will always try to take control of every social institution as they have the economy. The internet is the last. However, one can still find real discussion of real issues from the web in contrast to broadcasts by media corporations. But the gap is closing rather quickly.
  • Goodbye YouTube Party!!! featuring several of the remaining independent people running websites that still challenge the Empire's censoring efforts. Posted on James Corbett's website and hosted by him. My reaction: It is encouraging to see that many of the remaining bloggers are celebrating the coordination of their efforts to defeat the Empire's giant beasts which are engaged in the management of the minds of their subjects. We must support their efforts or they might disappear--then we will really be in deep shit! (This is a best post.)
A quick look at a map tells the story: this struggle is most one of the deep state vs the deep (real) country. Yeah, I know, Trump is hardly a miner from West Virginia or a farmer in Alabama. But that doesn’t matter one bit. What does matter is that the deplorables from the “overfly country” felt that Trump speaks for them and that he is all that stands between them and the (pseudo-) Liberals of CNN, the Antifa/BLM thugs and the destruction of the United States as we all knew them. And yes, this is a simplistic view, but it is fundamentally correct one nonetheless.
Yes, this is a simplistic view. A more complete view reveals that the transnational capitalist ruling class will no longer tolerate nationalistic fascism. Instead, it will be replaced by real power that lies in the Deep State--the powerful transnational capitalist class and their slicked-up version of neo-fascism. The Trump faction can legally challenge the election and quarrel with the results endlessly, but the outcome will be the same (as in the 2000 election when the Deep State needed Bush, Jr. to be President to carry off their 9/11 project).
  • Europe and the Pandemic by Eric Toussaint and Manoel Barbeitos from CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt). (My reaction: The European Union is an integral part of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Is it only a coincidence that their policies which are supporting corporations are the same as in the US and England?
Call it the “New Normal,” or whatever you want. Pretend “democracy has triumphed” if you want. Wear your mask. Mask your children. Terrorize them with pictures of “death trucks,” tales of “Russian hackers” and “white supremacist terrorists.” Live in fear of an imaginary plague (or perhaps a non-imaginary plague if that “very dark winter” comes to pass). Censor all dissent. Ban all protests. Do not attempt to adjust your telescreen. Click on the link to join the Zoom meeting. Have your password and your identity papers ready. Watch your pronouns. Get down on your knees. It’s GloboCap Fucking Über Alles!