Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, November 11, 2020

My personal position is that I think that the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 causing covid-19 illness is a mild and highly contagious disease that was likely created in a US lab, but used by the capitalist transnational ruling class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire as a prime population reduction method because of their losing battle with global warming. Other benefits include: 1) to enrich the Empire's ruling class by providing them with investments in major pharmaceutical corporations and mandating or urging vaccines; 2) as a means, after their corruption of WHO, UN's World Health Organization, to provide an excuse or cover to extend control over the populations of the Empire. 
I can't prove these propositions yet, but it takes time to unravel the deceits of the transnational capitalist class and all of their psychological operations, and I won't be here (because of advanced age) when this finally happens. I have had considerable experience with these deceptive operations throughout my long lifetime (the Vietnam War, assassinations, War on Drugs, 9/11, War on Terrorism, all the "color revolutions" or subversive efforts to overturn and consolidate their control over nations of the world, etc.), and I am convinced that this pandemic is highly exaggerated by media corporations to serve the various interests (outlined above) of  the Empire's transnational ruling class.

To be sure, covid-19 illness is real, but they engineered this "crisis" by creating a highly contagious, but mild virus and used global media corporations to spread fear of this disease. This pandemic has been blown out of all proportion to the mild threat posed for most populations in rich nations, but the shutting down of economies is devastating for poorer people ("deplorables") and likewise with poorer nations with inadequate health systems. Government authorities, under the control of the Empire's ruling class, interfered with constructive medical efforts to control it. If you think that these criminals are seriously interested in protecting your health and that of the world's populations, I have several bridges to sell you (def.)
  • The Tories against democracy by Aris Roussinos from Unherd (a British based website). My reaction: Because people of the Empire have not been taught real history, they are completely unaware that their capitalist ruling classes have no commitment to democracy. In fact, they see it as threat to their rule, and try to contain it with every means at their disposal.