Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, November 18, 2020

In the mid-1950s, his book The Sane Society [by Erich Fromm] suggested that insanity referred not simply to the failure by specific individuals to adapt to the society they lived in. Rather, society itself could become so pathological, so detached from a normative way of life, that it induced a deep-seated alienation and a form of collective insanity among its members. In modern western societies, where automation and mass consumption betray basic human needs, insanity might not be an aberration but the norm. [my insertion]
  • Why the military establishment backed Biden by Chloe Rafferty from Red Flag (based in Seattle). (My reaction: I disagree with only her last statements "And Joe Biden is the commander-in-chief. He is now the most dangerous man in the world." He shows early signs of dementia, and his usefulness to the ruling class has expired. He is only a virtual puppet of the ruling class, but then there is Kamala Harris to takeover.)
  • UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet featuring Spiro Skouras from his channel on YouTube warning about what's coming under the Great Reset project. My reaction: Apparently the control freaks of the transnational (neoliberal) capitalist ruling class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire have decided to use their control of the United Nations to implement their plans of the Great Reset. If they succeed, we will be really in "deep shit" (def.).
  • 2020 -TOKYO’s Strange 3rd Wave Lockdown: A Walk-through, AGAIN posted by "Felix Rex" on his YouTube channel. (Note: Think of this as an opportunity to travel to Japan and being led through Tokyo's red light district by "Felix Rex" as a tour guide. Note that he is very careful not to offend YouTube administrators by voicing some of his opinions. One question I have, that I would to put to him, is why he selects this area of Tokyo.) My reaction: I notice from his comments at the end that he is also posting his videos on Bitchute, an alternative to YouTube, which doesn't censor videos. It might be worth a visit to his Bitchute videos. One such recent video I recommend is one entitled "Social Rot of VICTIMHOOD & Microaggression Culture".  
  • Demand That the UN Command Stop Infringing on Korea’s Sovereignty by Simone Chun from CounterPunch. (My reaction: This article furnishes evidence that the Empire largely controls the United Nations Organization. Based on extensive gathered through my long life, I think the capitalist directors of the Empire have accomplished this feat, and most others, via deception and bribes.)