Thursday, November 19, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, November 19, 2020

Corporatization, privatization, a shift from not-for-profit to for-profit health care, and the growth of investor-owned corporate health care have been dominant themes in the transformation of U. S. health care since the 1980s. We have seen a 3,000 percent growth in the numbers of administrators and managers [with their focus on profit] compared to a minimal growth in the numbers of physicians. [My insertion]
Since that time, we have seen lockdowns, an ongoing government-backed fear campaign, fundamental rights being stripped away, dissent censored, inflated COVID-19 death numbers and the use of a flawed PCR test to label perfectly healthy individuals as COVID-19 ‘cases’ in order to fit the narrative of a ‘second wave’. 
But, just for a moment, consider an alternative scenario… 
The government is extremely worried about a substance that could be contributing to a spiraling public health crisis that has been decades in the making. It has been detected in food and in urine. The government has therefore decided to carry out mass urine testing. It has found millions of ‘cases’. ....

But the government does nothing. It does not just do nothing but actively facilitates the marketing of this substance and collude with its manufacturers.  [Sorry for the inconsistent formatting.]

And the name of this ‘stuff’? Glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide. The main culprit – Monsanto’s Roundup. But it is not just glyphosate. It is the cocktail of agricultural chemicals that have been in use for decades.
The Covid-19 pandemic has overwhelmed our species due to its impact on public health, but even more because of the depth of the economic depression it has unleashed, causing a social and employment disaster which plunges us into uncertainty.
The European Deep State follows the lead of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, of which they are an integral part. The author provides an illustration of an informal theme frequently used by the directors of the Empire first identified by journalist Vanessa Beeley that was going in Syria: problem, reaction, and solution. Currently they have initiated the problem (as yet unproven, but likely) of the covid-19 pandemic which adversely impacts public health and the economies of nations of the world, then their media corporations hype the threat which caused widespread fear, and finally, they offer solutions: highly profitable (for them) vaccines and the rest of the Great Reset package: digital money and authoritarian decisions (more censorship and surveillance) by major tech corporations. All of these programs are designed to enhance the profits and power of the transnational capitalist ruling classes in Europe, and offer the transnational capitalist class's solution to the climate crisis by depopulating "useless eaters" (people who don't contribute to the power and profits of the Empire and their corporations).
The design of the European Union, despite the propaganda and its founding myths, is not conceived to protect its citizens in general, let alone its working classes. Its cornerstones are the defence of the freedom of movement of capital and goods and, when and as appropriate, the mobility of people within its borders, to achieve more profitability and competitiveness for its companies. The aspects of cohesion it may contain do not counteracting [sic] this priority.