Friday, November 20, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, November 20, 2020

  • The SPARS Pandemic of 2025: Echo Chambers and Vaccine Opposition by Derrick Broze from The Last American Vagabond.  (Note: The author provides us with examples of actual "games" that our ruling class run to anticipate problems, and solutions to these problems. One example: "In 2017, the Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security ran a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic known as SPARS. What can we learn from this exercise?")
  • The Next Crisis? from Computing Forever channel on YouTube. (Note: I don't want to spread awful rumors, but our masters in the transnational capitalist Deep State are already talking about another crisis.)
  • The Google Archipelago by Jimmie Moglia from "The Saker blog". My reaction: I regard the author's statement that "Zionist “elder brothers in the Abrahamic faith” own and control 90% or thereabouts of all communication media, printed, Hollywood, academia, radio-TV and Internet." as questionable, and he doesn't provide any documentation for it. It seems to me that transnational capitalists are "equal opportunity employers".