Sunday, November 22, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, November 22, 2020

  • GLENN GREENWALD on The Media Elite! on The Jimmy Dore Show. (Note: Greenwald answers piercing questions from Dore about his quarrel with the Intercept, and the pressures put on journalists who try to do honest reports.)
  • GLENN GREENWALD Calls Out AOC's Fake Progressiveness posted on The Jimmy Dore Show. This is a best post. (Note: "AOC" stands for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In this fascinating teleconferencing discussion (38:42m), Dore begins asking Greenwald some probing questions about censorship in the broadcasts owned by most media corporations, and Greenwald offers some fascinating and sophisticated insights not only about censorship, but other political subjects in plain everyday language that ordinary people use and understand.)
  • False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism featuring James Corbett explaining what is meant about the expression "false flag attack", the use of terrorism and recent forms of bio-terrorism as a false flag attacks. Posted on his weblog The Corbett Report. (Note: The US was criticized for using bio-terrorism, which was thoroughly covered up, in the Korean War. Read This Must Be the Place by Dave Chaddock.)
  • Anthrax To COVID: The Ongoing Anthrax Deception That Created The BioSecurity State & COVID-19 featuring Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond conducting a 52:13m interview with "David Meiswinkle, President Executive Director of Lawyer’s Committee For 9/11 Inquiry, here to discuss the current status of their ongoing uphill battle to gain some semblance of government accountability and transparency in regard to 9/11 and the subsequent (and clearly interconnected) anthrax false flag." (Note: Meiswinkle mentions "Daschle"--this is Sen. Tom Daschle from South Dakota who was reticent about passing the Patriot Act.   
  • New York Times Job Listing Shows How Western Propaganda Operates by Caitlin Johnstone from her weblog. This is a best post because she highlights capitalist propaganda as a kind of religion for some people (sociopaths) who want to advance their careers and, by the way, to insure the comforts of their families. (Recall here Margaret Thatcher's statement that there is no such thing as society, there are only families.) Beliefs that support families are the cornerstone of capitalism in contrast to working class loyalties. These sociopaths don't question what they write. It is all to curry favor from their bosses in order to advance their careers and the comforts of their families. This is true of most upper-middle-class people, and some middle class people, who have adopted the sociopathic religion of capitalism.
My memory was very much the same as Curtin's emotional experiences. But there were differences. One major difference is that I was already a genuine socialist (by this I mean that people should own and control the economy to distinguish from social democrats like Bernie Sanders who only supposedly believe in a strong welfare state but with private ownership of the economy), and as such I found it completely understandable that the growing fascist Deep State could not tolerate a peace-loving president. I concluded that this incident was a sign of worse things to come, and was a least intellectually prepared for them. I, too, was enrolled in sociology course; but when this happened in addition to other experiences, I decided to abandon plans for an academic career in political sociology because I knew that academia was already filled with professors who, in order to protect their careers, had already sold out to the capitalist ruling class.
  • G20: the debt solution by Michael Roberts from CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt). (Note: This article would be better entitled "Capitalist Nations Cannot Agree on the Global Debt Problem".)
  • iLaw's US-Funded Charter Proposal REJECTED featuring a 2:30m video presentation by Brian Berletic ("Tony Cartalucci") from his weblog Land Destroyer Report summarizing the Thai government's rejection of the rewriting of Thailand's constitution to permit US funded parties to participate in Thailand's government.