Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, November 24, 2020

  • Dominion refusal to attend hearing is globalists throwing down the gauntlet [Video] by Seraphim Hanisch from The Duran. This is a best post. (Note: There is so much content in this article that I haven't the time yet to access all of it. I especially want to direct you to the video--while you are still allowed by YouTube (Google owns YouTube) to access it (unfortunately, it was taken down before I posted my articles). In the process of a few minutes, I discovered that Dr Buttar's website has been already severely edited by YouTube. I don't have the technology expertise to download "TheDeenShow #794" in this article, but I urge people, who have these skills, to download it (too late!) and post the video on independent websites such as Bitchute.)
 Meanwhile, I direct you to this quote and my response:
This is a digression, but let me finish it. Honestly, even though I write about this, I am still reticent to buy the whole package about Fauci and Dr Buttar, so, you who read this now have my own full disclosure. To complete it, I think there is something not right about this story, and I am definitely convinced that the COVID virus is being used by globalist elites because it is useful to their plans. As to whether or not they triggered it, I still have a hard time believing that people in our day crave power to the point of killing hundreds of thousands of people as “collateral damage” or worse, “a case of the means being justified by the ends.” You, Dear Reader, will also have to decide this.
My reaction: I haven't listened to the part about Fauci and Dr. Buttar, but I am convinced that the ruling capitalist classes of various nations are perfectly capable of such horrible crimes. Their record demonstrates this. And because they own, and thus control, everything of value, they will continue to get away with these abominable crimes until natural forces get rid of the human species.
  • They think you're stupid.  By satirist Paul Joseph Watson on his YouTube channel. (Note: Watson is obviously a Brit expressing satire against the covid-19 policies of the English ruling capitalist class. Wikipedia has painted him as the worst type of right-wing human being. This is another example of ruling capitalist classes using unaccountable "intelligence" services to infiltrate progressive organizations and subvert them into serving their fascist agendas. I doubt that he will have any trouble posting his YouTube videos. He may be right-wing, but we need to listen to all credible views instead of censoring them.
Watson is obviously wrong about ridiculing the Great Reset that was announced recently by Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, which is an unelected ruling capitalist class elite organization of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Watson is correct when he says that the Great Reset is only a conspiracy theory, but conspiracy theories of our masters are what they have planned for us, and they will attempt to carry them out. So his ridicule works to a limited extent: to ridicule their propaganda about the supposed benefits to humans under their command. However, they are serious in their commitments to introduce more self-serving events like requiring all citizens to have vaccinations to travel abroad, the introduction of digital money, and other measures which will reduce populations ("useless eaters") and increase their surveillance and control over us. 
Thus far, we have been experiencing only mild restrictions to our civil liberties, but their actual plans will undoubtedly be more serious crimes against humanity in sharp contrast to their propaganda. We are already witnessing the devastating impacts upon poor people, small businessmen, and the gig economy. So their "conspiracy theories" are our reality in the future.
Because people are a lot more likely to click, read and share information which validates their pre-existing opinions and follow people who do the same, social media is notorious for the way it creates tightly insulated echo chambers which masturbate our confirmation bias and hide any information which might cause us cognitive dissonance by contradicting it. Whole media careers were built on this phenomenon during the years of Russiagate hysteria, and we see it play out in spheres from imperialism to Covid-19 commentary to economic policy.
To my foreign readers: Don't blame ordinary Americans for being so misled and ignorant about American and world political issues. They have been subject to unrelenting capitalist propaganda by the American ruling class for the past 75 years!
General Note: I ran out of time and energy to complete my 50+ websites to look for recommendations of credible articles from sources that are independent. Here are the websites that I did not get to: