Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, November 25, 2020

  • The Correct Response To “Give Biden A Chance”: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Caitlin Johnstone from her weblog. My reaction follows: I especially like the following two paragraphs which illustrate so much about what is happening to people who reside within the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, and Johnstone lives in Australia which is an integral part of the Empire. 

    When I started this gig I learned very early on that the articles which get the most shares are ones which are appealing to one of America’s two mainstream political factions. Everyone who gets into any kind of media related to US politics receives this same message. Most don’t reject the temptation.

    I was given a natural incentive to go mainstream partisan; no plutocratic funding or CIA infiltration required. The partisan dynamic is just that strong, which is why so many media figures become Dem shills or doofy Trumpers instead of nonpartisan free thinkers. There’s so much energy feeding into the partisan dynamic that people can float whole media careers on it very easily. A lot of the information distortion you see is no more complex or conspiratorial than that.
Our masters, the billionaires who own and control the country, are trying to divide us into two opposing and combative camps while spreading fear of the monster covid-19 virus. They will entice some of us with comfortable careers if we play along with their agendas to divide us by taking over rather progressive sources of information like Wikipedia and worker associated political parties like the Democratic Party. They use the latter type of organizations to spread their agendas of fear, disinformation, and their self-serving propaganda. At some point our masters in the core ruling class will come to our rescue and "restore" order, their order, to the chaos and fear that is spreading throughout their empire. Then "peace" and "harmony", their peace and harmony, will reign over this land where thought control and surveillance is everywhere to ensure their prosperity and power among hordes of poverty stricken people.
  • How To Be More Obedient featuring JP Sears (from his channel via YouTube) satirically instructing us on "how to be more obedient".
  • AOC Gaslights For Democrats Over COVID Bail-Out. This 17:14m video (via YouTube) features Jimmy Dore of The Jimmy Core Show informing Americans on the political services that mostly Democrats are providing for Wall Street and the rich while forgetting the poor.