Friday, November 27, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, November 27, 2020

General note: I was late posting articles today because the internet crashed in my area for several hours this morning. Because of this incident, I didn't complete the list of posts that I consider credible.

  • Britain’s Class War on Children by Australian journalist John Pilger from CounterPunch. My only criticism is the title. I know, as any good journalist reports, that he was only reporting about what he knows. But, the British children are not alone. This is true of most of the world's children because the directors of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire have been able to corrupt the UN's health agency (WHO), and have managed to inflict their power on many, if not most, children of the world.
  • Corporate-branded activism from Winter Oak (British and mostly anarchist website). (Note: Learn how wealthy people and subversive organizations takeover non-profit progressive organizations in Britain and Europe.) My reaction: I think such agents use their wealth to initially fund and then takeover such organizations worldwide.
  • The New Norm: Government Lawbreaking from TruePublica, a British website. My reaction: This is an excellent piece of journalism supported by interesting documentation about the British government trying to hide it's dirty secrets from the public. Britain is, of course, a integral part of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.
[Because of censorship and government secrecy, world workers] have suffered many defeats, including perhaps the greatest one: being deprived of the ideas needed to make revolutionary change. And today it seems to be a race between the destructive tendencies of the capitalist system in charge of the world economy with no greater motivation than an endless stream of profits for which it must embrace endless war, environmental destruction, and the continued enslavement of labor. If left unchecked the capitalist mode of production will go on to the detriment and perhaps even the extinction of the human race. [my insertion]
My reaction: But Marx was wrong about one thing: the inevitability of workers to succeed in overcoming the power of capitalists. We, as a human species along with most others, will go extinct because of environmental destruction long before this will happen.