Sunday, November 29, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, November 29, 2020

  • Mad Dog Mattis not so mad with Globalist agenda, says America First is over (from The Duran) featuring Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris discussing Mattis's statement reported by RT: "General James Mattis wants to replace ‘America First’…with alliances that see ‘America equal, but more equal than others’" I don't think it is necessary to listen to more than eight minutes of this video. My criticism follows: 
They lampoon Mattis for making these statements which he obviously made to please the incoming administration of neoliberalists ("globalists", transnational interests of global corporations and finance organizations). What these two discussants don't understand is that the transnational capitalist class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire function in so many countries, and they don't like business dealings with so many countries which have different tariffs and regulations. For their convenience, they want them all to be the same. 
These capitalists (financiers, CEOs of corporations, etc.) have homes in many countries in which they travel to by private jets (without the necessity of wearing masks, social distancing, etc.), and they naturally see the world differently. They have no allegiance to any one nation, but they hold allegiance to the Empire which largely controls most of these more peripheral countries. The Empire controls most of these countries because they furnish them loans to them to buy their products. Most of the nations controlled by the Empire are indebted up to their necks in international finance organizations like the IMF, World Bank, and all the Western banks. These finance people of the Empire largely control the foreign and many domestic policies of these peripheral nations, and they are quintessentially neoliberals or "globalists".
  • Fascism - America's DNA featuring Prof. Gabriel Rockhil explaining fascism to host Chris Hodges on the latter's RT channel of YouTube. This is a best post. Although Hedges, according to his training in American academia, likes to present fascism as being exemplified by Trump and racist organizations (which tend to divide workers), Rockhill makes clear the ideological necessity of fascist-capitalism to ally itself with anti-worker organizations and ideologies influenced by socialist and communist parties who vigorously oppose private ownership of the economy or any government that serves the needs of the general public rather than the needs of capitalists. Hence, fascism is in the DNA of American capitalism.
... in May and June, although the number of new Covid cases steadily rose, the percentage of tests coming back positive declined, indicating that the rising case numbers were due less to increased cases than to increased testing. And while the media says (correctly) that the number of daily cases in November is setting records, they do not report that this is largely due to increased testing. The fraction of tests that are coming back positive, while rising, is on par with what the US experienced in mid May. 
We can blame this persistent lack of context on a perfect storm of politicians seeking to be “doing something,” media seeking to sell advertising, and people paying enough attention to be scared, but not enough to understand.
The authors blame the distorted presentation of data on the lack of context. But there are many contributing factors such as the faulty test of PCR (see this, this, and this from the inventor of the PCR test.) I regard the lack of context and all other distortions of data to have been deliberately performed by the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire's transnational (neoliberal) ruling class that has engaged in a new "9/11" project to spread fear among populations in order to prepare the groundwork for the Great Reset. The success that the Empire's ruling class has had with their exaggerated corona crisis is an illustration of their comprehensive power that I've often written about.