Thursday, November 5, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, November 5, 2020

Although I can agree with his statements about Trump, he never identifies the "Real Problem" that is the neo-fascism of the transnational capitalist class. In fact, he seems to believe, like many current "leftists", that they are something different than the old-fashioned fascists. This is totally false. 
As I have explained in a previous essay, the transnational capitalists are the latest version of advanced capitalist rule which absorbed much of the classic fascism exhibited by the German Nazis in the 1930s and early 1940s. US capitalists merely joined with the British capitalists and what was left of the British Empire and the largely destroyed nations of Europe after WWII to construct a new empire. The new empire's ruling class consolidated their control over much of Europe with Operation Gladio and infiltration of media corporations. In 1967 they added the fascist international Jewry, at the time were mostly European capitalists, which the British had set up to control the oil-rich Middle East from Arab nationalists. The new empire can be legitimately named as US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. 
The current "Great Reset" that the Empire's ruling class and the UN's corrupted agency WHO (World Health Organization) have imposed on the world is mainly designed to get rid of "useless eaters" that I've seen used frequently in describing various aspects of their plan. This expression has a history mostly hidden in the classic fascist past (see this and this). The project is mainly designed to reduce populations, and it is the Empire's plan to cope with the climate crisis which they know is real. If the "Great Reset" contributes to their profits and power, so much the better.
  • The American Herald Tribune is no more along with 26 other domains. This was reported in an article from Anti-War entitled DOJ Seizes 27 Domains, Claims They are Controlled by Iran by Dave DeCamp. (I've been wondering why I haven't been able to access their website for several days.) My commentary follows:
This is one more piece of evidence that we are living in a fascist nation that fears the truth. Because the Empire's ruling class censored these websites, they no longer hide behind the fiction that they are "platforms" like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube which maintain an ongoing project of censorship and are loaded with propaganda serving the Empire's ruling class of capitalists. 
I expect that my domain will also disappear one day, but they will go after the big ones first. Notice that this latest censorship news is not reported by media corporations. That's because the ruling capitalist class approves. They only cover events, distorted coverage at best, because they want you to believe in their interpretations. Such censorship events are not covered because they want you to believe the much ballyhooed propaganda that America enjoys a free press (media).