Friday, November 6, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, November 6, 2020

  • Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship from Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight via YouTube. (Note: Not only Greenwald left the Guardian media complex, but many of the journalists writing for Off-Guardian's website have done so also. This is because of issues of censorship. I wonder where Greenwald will go now to publish his articles.)
My reaction: Huff's views of censorship are only superficial in that he adopts the narrow popular political spectrum of Americans that has been shaped by ruling class media corporations since WWII, but he doesn't see the larger picture that the capitalist ruling class are now adopting more overt censorship as a strategy to manage the minds of ordinary Americans.
  • New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato from The Corbett Report in this 22:25m video presentation. (My reaction: These anarchists, who believe that the state, rather than the social-economic system, is responsible for crimes against the people, report on the significance of the recent US election. However, they unintentionally provide an accurate report on many of the "crimes" committed by the Deep State, the board of directors of the various countries of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.)
It was very little doubt in my mind that Biden/Harris will win the "election" either by "hook or by crook" (see also this post). The ruling class, of course, rules, and in this election they were determined that their candidate would win. They might make mistakes occasionally (Trump in 2016 was such a mistake), but they control elections much like every other institution. And it was clear from their media coverage ever since Trump mistakenly won the election in 2016, that the core ruling class of transnational fascist-capitalists ("neoliberals" or literally the new capitalists) were going to correct this mistake.
I am posting this because I think that Christoforou has the best specific prognostication regarding the Empire's foreign policy which argues for the US support for destabilizing countries near the "under-belly" of Russia including Syria. I think they, that is, the ruling transnational ruling class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, have already begun to implement this plan. 
I note that towards the end of this presentation, Christoforou reports the efforts by Google's YouTube to take away his income. We simply must support his efforts to bring clarity to so many political issues, or else he will go away. 
I think that ruling class will increase its efforts at censorship by such de-funding efforts of anyone who exposes the criminal actions of this class. I've noticed that Google has introduced new software that is making my blogging efforts much harder, and I have noticed other problems on other websites to confuse readers, or make them much more difficult to read or follow. I appeal to you to let me know immediately of problems of my website whenever you find them by contacting me a