Sunday, November 8, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, November 8, 2020

A ‘fourth industrial revolution’ is the only way by which to ‘square this circle’, according to this mindset [referring to the dominant section of the neoliberal ruling class]. The Reset is purposefully aimed to disrupt all areas of life, albeit on a planetary scale.  Shock therapy, as it were, to change the way we humans think of ourselves, and our relationship with the worldThe Great Reset looks to a supply-side ‘miracle’, achieved through full-spectrum automation and robotics.  A world where the money is digital; the food is lab-grown; where everything is counted and controlled by giant monopolies; and everyday existence is micromanaged by ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI that registers thoughts and feelings before the people even get a chance to make those thoughts.
My reaction: I am convinced that many years of anti-communist, anti-socialist, and capitalist pro-growth propaganda will ensure the extinction of humans. People will gradually wake up and "connect the dots", but it will be far too late to save a planet that can support human life and that of many other species.
  • Internalized Danger by Craig Murray, a Scottish activist, from his weblog. This Scot gives his views on the recent US election. (Note: "Burisma" refer to this, and "bung" is British slang.)
  • Feminist Contradictions by Linda Ford from Dissident Voice. (Note: Given that Kamala Harris is likely to assume the presidency after the aging Biden becomes incapacitated, this article is important.)
  • Internalized Danger by Craig Murray, a Scottish activist, from his weblog. This Scot gives his views on the recent US election. (Note: "Burisma" refer to this, and "bung" is British slang.)