Thursday, December 10, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, December 10, 2020

I viewed this 45 minute film last night and I highly recommend it. On 9/11/2001 I watched on TV the buildings of the World Trade Center come down, but I was already convinced that the collapse of buildings was a ruse to get Americans prepared for dramatic changes in foreign policy. Sure enough, people everywhere were shocked and prepared to do anything for their country. Gas station attendants in Oregon, where I was living at the time, insisted that their customers put patriotic stickers on their cars. Laws were rushed through Congress like the Patriot Act to grant government agencies to secure all kinds of records on Americans and the suspension of habeus corpus laws for alien Americans. Members of Congress who were concerned about the rush to pass these laws were targets for anthrax attacks. I felt very uncomfortable with this growing police state and relocated to Canada until 2006. About 1 1/2 years after 9/11, the US along with some allies had already invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. 
This film shows clear evidence that many architects and engineers were reluctant to challenge the governments flimsy excuses and reports by government agencies that gave approval to the official story of 9/11. They were intimidated into silence by the Deep State which controls nearly everything in the USA. Only after a decade did these professionals become involved and started to challenge the obvious inconsistencies and unscientific justifications of the official story.