Friday, December 11, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, December 11, 2020 (complete)

  • What Do We Do About The Increasing Vaccine Pressure? by Arjun Walia from Collective Evolution featuring a 28:14m video in which Joe Martino, founder of Collective Evolution, discusses the implications of the hints of governments mandating vaccines and private businesses that will essentially making vaccines mandatory in order to access their business services or products. A best post.
  • 'RT raises issues corporate controlled media doesn't want raised' by Chris Hedges from RT. My reaction: Isn't it ironic that a critic of US government policies, like all such critics, has to go to a foreign sponsored source to express his views? And isn't it ironic that one corporate media giant labels RT as "... funded in whole or in part by the Russian government?" in order to discourage viewers away from RT? After all, corporations are careful that we don't access material from dubious sources--but encourage people to access information only from their sources. (sarcasm)
  • Naomi Klein: Gatekeeper Extraordinaire by Cat McGuire & Colleen McGuire from Off-Guardian. My reaction: It is about time that an alternative weblog "outed" a fake critic who too often conforms to careerest (def.) expectations!