Saturday, December 19, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, December 19, 2020

  • Through the (Empire's & Zionist Israel's) Looking Glass by Ron Horn for Surviving Capitalism (Not). This is a best post. (At 4:48 PM CT I edited, and added to, this post.)
In the past I have frequently used Wikipedia entries for explanations and documentation for various items, but apparently starting in 2010, this online encyclopedia has been corrupted by secret political agencies of what I refer to as the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire which was gradually formed after WWII. This practice is consistent with all their efforts at dominating ordinary people through control of the information they access. This indoctrination and propaganda elements represent essential hallmarks of neofascism that the directors of the Empire have adopted.
At first propaganda agents only targeted media corporations, academic (see this example), and entertainment organizations by supporting people who played along with the capitalist ruling class's agenda to control all information ordinary people received. Often these subversive efforts were aided by actual infiltrations of targeted organizations.
However, apparently beginning around 2010, agents of the Empire started noticing people being influenced by accurate online organizations like Wikipedia. Thus, they immediately began to subvert these organizations in order to screen out ideas and information that did not support the Empire's agendas, and likewise, to support ideas and information that did. Wikipedia was one such project. See this, this, this, this, and this. Thus, in the past, I frequently used Wikipedia entries to document claims I made in my posts, but in the past several years I've had to exercise judgment as to which entries to use or not to use. It seems that any of their posts that are remotely political can be rejected. 
But most ordinary people are not aware of this development, and believe everything that they learn from subverted organizations that are omnipresent in their lives. (See this satirical piece.) Propaganda agents have since added social media to their list of targets to influence the preceptions of ordinary people who are thoroughly confused by the pandemic project.