Sunday, December 20, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, December 20, 2020

  • 21WIRE LIVE hosted by Patrick Henningsen with special guest Brian Berletic. Henningsen of 21st Century Wire interviews (1 1/4 hour) Brian Berletic, who now lives in Thailand. Note: Berletic ("Tony Cartalucci") explains how he was politicized, quit the Marine Corps, went to Thailand where he became aware of US subversive operations, and his views on multipolarism. My reaction: Over the last 15 years he has moved from a loyality to the US's official political perspectives to a realization of what lies beneath the outward appearance of "democracy": a political view ("follow the money") that corporations really determine US foreign policies. However, he doesn't yet seem to be aware that a tiny class of capitalists who own and control corporations also determine domestic policies that are so disfunctional for the vast majority of Americans.