Monday, December 21, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, December 21, 2020

  • AOC Interview Signals She's Unwilling to Fight Pelosi For Medicare 4 All featuring Jimmy Dore from his YouTube channel. My reaction: Here is Dore trying his damnest to use the existing democratic machinery to pass legislation that has some semblance to univerisal health care. I wish him luck because his efforts are futile because the capitalist ruling class rules the USA behind their facade of "democracy", and they don't want Medicare for All. If AOC and the progressive members of Congress vote for universal Medicare, they will not return to Congress mainly because they depend on the rich ruling capitalist class for re-election campaign funds. That's the "beautful" secret of liberal democracy (also see "bourgeois democracy").
As we discussed yesterday, Americans will not be given Medicare for All despite overwhelming public support because an immense amount of power depends on keeping them in a state of financial struggle so they don’t interfere in the affairs of a nation which serves as the hub of a global empire. The US political system does not exist to serve the interests of Americans, it exists to serve the interests of the empire. No part of that system is there to protect the people from the powerful; it’s there to protect the powerful from the people.
Some of the most pressing questions now being raised by thinking citizens watching the unravelling of their worlds include:

Why are so many highly educated people willing to give up their innate power to think in order to have shadowy experts tell them what is true and how to behave?

Why are so many of our fellow citizens so willing to give up their rights and freedoms to protect themselves from invisible threats like viruses with a 99.9% survival rate or changing climate which used to be called “the weather” having little to do with human activity?

Why are so many people incapable, and unwilling to accept the idea of conspiracy, or intention as an efficient, existent phenomenon in world affairs when such things as “Great Reset” are being spoken allowed by misanthropic billionaires on a daily basis?

The dominant narrative calls this ‘globalisation’, a euphemism for a predatory neoliberal capitalism based on endless profit growth, crises of overproduction, overaccumulation and market saturation and a need to constantly seek out and exploit new, untapped (foreign) markets to maintain profitability. 
In India, we can see the implications very clearly.