Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, December 2, 2020

  • The Elitists Who Control You featuring comedian and satirist JP Sears (via YouTube channel--to 7:28m) doing a parody on the ruling class (aka "elites") who are addicted to control (you). My reaction: He understands that more than wealth, control of you is what they're all about, that is, what really motivates them.
  • John Titus on Central Bank Digital Currencies featuring a James Corbett conducting a interview with Titus who explains what is currently going on with money, and what is planned in the Great Reset, and posted on The Corbett Report
(Note: I haven't thought about money for several years, and I needed this update. I would be presumptuous to claim that I understand his explanation about a phenomenon that has taken over 10,000 years to evolve into what is today--debt money. I thought I understood money, but I had so money questions that I wanted to ask Titus to clarify his explanations.  
I know that issuing digital money gives the Federal Reserve, which is owned by private bankers, near total control over us. I know that BIS, Bank of International Settlements, is a bank in Switzerland that serves a central bank to all central banks. I know that when, in 1971, the USA removed some gold backing from our currency, and instead replaced it with oil-backed petro-dollars in exchange for protecting Saudi Arabia, and their agreement to sell their oil only in US dollars (Kissinger largely engineered this arrangement). I know that when the Fed issues money, it does so by putting the USA deeper in debt to them with interest. I understood a little, but not much else of his explanations. I will revisit this subject, and I encourage you to do likewise by visiting the many links offered in Corbett's show notes and other links, especially links in my website by typing in "money" in the search boxes or accessing the label "money" near the right-hand bottom of the website or "Understanding money" page on the top right-hand side. It's time to revisit this vital subject, to update our understanding of it, and take control of this money-issue in order to ensure that it serves our interest instead of that of the interests of the financiers, the core of our ruling class.)