Thursday, December 3, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, December 3, 2020

The powerful ruling classes that have governed society during the last 10,000 years have always striven to shape the news, but in period since WWII the directors of the remaining capitalist nations (which began as the US combined with what was left of the British Empire) have more seriously shaped the news and information that has informed the general public in order to conform to their interests of power and profits. Read my commentary here for the development of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire since WWII. This development focused on shaping news and information, and censorship of real news; in other words, the intentional use of self-serving propaganda formed a prominent role in promoting the power and profits of this Empire.
  • New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato featuring James Corbett and James Pilato in a nearly 9 minute video reporting on the latest news regarding vaccines, pandemic related matters, and posted on The Corbett Report
  • The Problem With the COVID Vaccine | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains .... (via YouTube) My reaction: His explanation is precisely how and why the ruling capitalist class (the "billionaire class" or the "oligarchy") has taken over the government. I haven't seen such an explanation by him anywhere on the web. It's because his explanation is dangerous--to him personally because he risks his own assassination.