Monday, January 11, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, January 11, 2021

  • Genetic Engineering, Agriculture and Brexit: Treachery in Our Midst by Colin Todhunter (based in Britain) from Off-Guardian. My reaction: Now I understand why the directors of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire have been so ambivalent toward Brexit--they don't want to lose Europe, but they don't like the European resistance to gene editing.
  • ASSA 2021: part two – the radical answers by Michael Roberts (lives in Britain) from his weblog. I regard this as a best post because he exposes Michael Hudson for what he is-- champion of industrial capitalism and not a socialist as he is often portrayed in left-wing weblogs in the USA.
So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores “normality” throughout the world, or at least attempts to restore “normality,” or the “New Normality,” or the “Great Normal Reset,” or “The New Normal War on Domestic Terror” … or whatever they eventually decide to call it. 
In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass.
  • Michael Dowd - Post-doom Compost Theology featuring Dowd, a religious person who is kowledgable about science, explains his views of the future in a 49:53m video in Michael Shaw's channel The Great Story via YouTube. My reaction: I notice he doesn't mention capitalist culture as being unsustainable.
The fact that after four years in office their symbolic champion has nothing to show, yet in the midst of economic collapse he was still able to garner about eighty million votes, is a huge sign. It is a sobering warning to the ruling elite that blatant electoral manipulation and ruthless information censorship may serve as Band-Aid solutions, but are losing their effectiveness. 
You can pull the tiger’s tail only so much before it pounces.
Hopefully, his analysis is correct. Also, notice that he uses "ruling elite". In our crazy time, you can't get away with using a Marxist term "ruling class"--although he comes close--if you want to be published. Class analysis is strictly "verboten". This is another example of thought control by our capitalist masters.
  • We Cannot Let Yesterday’s Farce Become Tomorrow’s Tragedy from Spectre. My reaction: This online post takes the right-wing and their attack on Congress rather seriously. But who is the right-wing? The Trump supporters or the ruling capitalist class that owns the government and likes to play psy-ops with their enemies? I think the latter. Do the ruling class regard ordinary Americans as the enemy? Yes! is my firm answer.