Saturday, January 9, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, January 9, 2021

Hanania argues that the US is an imperialist nation that is bent on "global hegemony". After that he introduces several errors in his geopolitical analysis.
Ultimately, the danger for American elites is not that the U.S. may become less able to accomplish geopolitical objectives. Rather, it is that more Americans might begin to question the logic of U.S. global hegemony. Perhaps not every state is destined to become a liberal democracy, and nations with very different political systems can coexist peacefully, as many countries in East Asia do. Maybe the U.S. will not always be at the frontier of military and economic power, and the country that overtakes it may have completely different attitudes about the nature of the relationship between government and its citizens.
First of all, he refers to "American elites". This is a capitalist ideological term for ruling class. Next, in the third sentence, he writes "Perhaps not every state is destined to become a liberal democracy....". The term "liberal democracy" means bourgeois democracy, or the capitalist version of democracy which is a fake version of democracy. The author doesn't understand that nations ruled by capitalism inevitably become imperialist internationally and fascist internally down their acquisitive road to owning and dominating everyone or every nation on Earth. He is arguing for tolerance in a beast that is inherently intolerant.
  • The Capitol Hill Fiasco 2021 by David W. Mathisen from his weblog Star Myths of the World. This was a psy-op performance? Mathisen thinks so and furnishes footage from the event to argue this. (Note: You may also be interested in the comments of "Syrian Girl", who I believe now lives in Australia; and Bernhard's article entitled "Democrats Use Capitol Incident To Suppress Political Dissent".
  • While Railing Against Trump Coup, Biden Appoints Chief Ukraine Coup-Plotter Victoria Nuland by Alan Macleod from Mint Press News. (Note: You may also be interested in another report about a Biden appointment to be the Director of National Intelligence.) My reaction: Forget about what the "78-year-old Delawarean said".  Biden's administration takes order from the Deep State, whose orders he knows so well, as he continues their program of regime change with nations that demonstrate any independence from the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Most American workers don't follow foreign affairs, but they may start after witnessing attacks on their safety and welfare. The ever-shrinking capitalist ruling class regards workers as "deplorables" who increasingly do not share their interests of dominance over other nations, and certainly not over them.
  • Sterilisation by Dave Cullen from his channel Computing Forever on Bitchute. (Note: I will be gradually converting from YouTube to Bitchute due to YouTube's practice of censorship.) My reaction: I don't agree with one of Cullen's opinion that there is no over-population on our planet and our masters are concerned with what he asserts as a fake "climate change" scenario. Capitalist ruling classes have always welcomed population increases and they were aided by collaborated religious authorities to promote families having children and restricted access to contraceptives. The Empire's ruling class is aware of, and concerned about, the overwhelming scientific evidence of the threat of dramatic climate destabilization, but their solutions to the crisis are totally self-serving as one would expect. Although vigorously denying it, they refuse to give up on their polluting industries, which directly or indirectly result in global warming, but also provide them with fabulous wealth and power.
This article illustrates the power of the family's interest in whatever social justice values these individuals held before their very comfortable careers in government. This piece of evidence supports the view of the general capitalist class that there is no such thing as society, only families (and possibly their neighbors) so well articulated by the former Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher was only recognizing the reality of the capitalist system and its promotion of the welfare of families. This ultimately leads, like the game of Monopoly, to a few "winners" and many "losers". Placing one's family's interests before society's is downgrading the importance of societies. 
What most people don't know is that societies are what has preserved the human species for several millions of years before humans resided in communities made possible by agricultural advances only in the last 10,000 years. Therefore, class structured societies with their emphasis on the welfare of the family are a dynamic that will ultimately lead to human extinction in which all humans and most other species lose. With the destabilization of the climate caused by human activities under capitalism, humans are threatening their extinction along with most other existing species on our unique planet Earth.
  • Planet Lockdown Interview with Catherine Fitts from her website Solari Report via uncensored Bitchute. This is a "best post". (Note: Both 48:31m videos are from the same interview.)