Thursday, January 7, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, January 7, 2021

This website seems to be moving to the right as reflected in its posting of articles about world political events. This article is a blatant example of a naïve approach to American politics that only a recent graduate of a four-year American college graduate who has majored in political science would demonstrate. There is no hint of a Deep State, that is, a well-connected financiers, corporate executives, and other major capitalists who firmly control what Congress does using secret "intelligence" agencies to circumvent Congress and design propaganda that is propagated by their control of nearly all media organizations. After all, they fund the campaigns of "your" representatives in Congress. They are a ruling class who quite literally own the country and much of the economy residing in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. As such, they control millions on jobs and careers. Their ownership gives them powerful control over every institution. I would like to offer an alternative view which is much more realistic than the nonsensical question stated by this author.
Granted, it is difficult to determine what our masters are up to, but there are ways to find out. First, regard all TV coverage as propaganda that is designed to sweeten the deeds of our ruling masters in the eyes of the general public. Do not watch TV to learn what is going on in the world and the USA. Whatever coverage they provide via their TV networks, you must consider their reporting only as a promotion of their interests of profits and power. "News" is the product of corporate TV networks which are owned by the ruling class. They are addicted to "substances" of profit and power and the capitalist system which deliver these addictive drugs to them. Corporate TV will always craft their propaganda as a way to con you into behaving and believing in ways that promote their agendas. You probably already can readily see through the commercials that try their best to promote their sponsor's products. You must also learn to analyze the "news" offered to you by corporations,
Become aware of all the tricks used by propagandists to sell their news-products: psy-ops, gas-lighting, CIA's practices to manipulate public opinion, sources of information that have a history of corruption by funding sources, all the mind control techniques, "factcheckers" acting to censor debate, etc. These are all indications of what I call neofascism, an updated version of old-fashioned fascism that relies more on control of your mind than it does by threats of bodily harm. What people don't usually know is how history has been re-written (an example of manufacturing reality) to favor capitalist interests.
Second, choose other more independent websites and other publications to know what is really going on in the world. I have lists posted on my website (on the right side) that I trust. You can start there. But media organizations change and you must be aware of these changes. Always examine documentation to ferret out what is the author's opinion from what is suggested by evidence.
Third, read books that alternative websites promote and give greater clarity to issues which you are concerned about. Our masters believe you don't read books, so they don't police and censor books like they do other media. Many authors will frequently write analyses in books that they will not elsewhere.