Friday, January 15, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, January 15, 2021

Just to be clear, I don't know for certain what happened in Washington DC on January 6, but I tend to think that Americans are so naive about "intelligence" agencies' abilities to manipulate the views of ordinary Americans that they are taking what is reported by corporate media at face value. Because Becker has been active in revolutionary movements all of his adult life, he is no ordinary American. I knew of him while living in the San Franciso Bay Area in the 1980s. However, he with his obsession regarding older forms of fascism tends to see the older forms of fascism everywhere. He, too, fails to see the new forms, of what I refer to, as "neofascism".
Becker doesn't seem to be aware of neofascist forms of mind control that capitalist ruling classes have developed since WWII as reflected in foreign reports of color revolutions and other psychological operations (psy-ops) that have been designed and implemented for the past 75 years to crush any revolutionary forces or to install a new more "cooperative" regime. The "intelligence" agents have since learned more sophisticated methods of shaping views of ordinary people (see my commentary to the Harris article on Jan. 7) residing in US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Because ordinary Americans do not follow reports of such incidents in foreign lands, they are so ignorant when these techniques are used against them. They are "babes in the woods" (def). 

Since January 6 I've been reading reports that reveal that key Congressional figures were refused requests for more security. I am inclined to believe the report by David Mathisen in his article "The Capitol Hill Fiasco 2021" and its implications. It was likely a psychological operation by secret agencies of the Empire to pave the way to more laws restricting civil liberties, promoting censorship and surveillance of dissidents, and other nefarious objectives.